Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thanks, Tiger!

A very good run today. I felt great. Was it the coffee I had before the run? Maybe. My running coach says that many people feel energized after having a cup of coffee before a run.

A mixed bag today...

I decided to recalibrate my Nike+ because when I use it during a 5K race, it never gives me the same distance as the race tells me. I went to local high school to use the track. As I was navigating through the iPod menu I discovered that the Nike+ wasn't calibrated. I guess it must of lost it's calibration when I had to reset the iPod awhile back. So I calibrated it and decided not to finish my run on the track. How boring! But the track had a very nice surface.

So I drove home and did my regular run and felt great. When I finished, Tiger Woods congratulated me on my fastest mile ever. What a great feature to have Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods and other Nike athletes motivate you. Thanks, Tiger!

So here's a screen shot of my latest run. The area a circled in blue is where I walked a bit to warm up. And I still had my best average mins/mile run to date.

Hopefully I get my new shoes next week...


Too steep? Maybe. But I ate a lot yesterday and haven't weighed in yet. Doing on a 3 mile run in a minute. That should help.

I'm finally back on track to achieve "normal" BMI. Let's see if I can stick to it. Weekends are hell!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby needs a new pair of shoes

That's an old line gamblers would use right before they threw the dice. But I really need a new pair of shoes.

Wait! I just bought a new pair of shoes.

Ouch! After 3 runs I discovered that the Saucony's were cut a little high and they were making my right ankle a little tender. I felt okay until I put the shoes on and the right shoe would press against that tender spot. Ouch!

But, luckily the Snail's Pace has a great 30 day return policy so I went in to exchange them for the Nike's that I almost purchased. Unfortunately, they are still out of stock so they ordered a pair for me. Size 13! I normally wear 11 1/2 in dress and street shoes but did you know your foot swells when you run? And the Nikes are Nike+ compatible. Very nice but I have to wait a week for them. So I'm back to the old Nikes that are too small for my feet. I can't stop running. That will create havoc on my training. Hope I don't get black-toe.

I've included a chart of some of my logged runs through my Nike+. Click on the image to see the full size chart. Not all my runs are on here because I've been having problems with the iPod or the Nike+ losing my runs. Grrrrrrr And my pace is much better now. It's around 11 mins/mile. Not face but pretty good for an old guy who was never a runner.

I hope the beer and cigars I enjoy tonight don't screw up my training too much.... Cheers.

Back on Track

Well, I'm finally back on track. My chart shows my weight loss is consistent this week. I'm just a couple of pounds away from my low point in March. I've done some modification to my statistical analysis of my weight loss and an now tracking 4 projections.
  • 7 day average
  • 14 day average
  • 30 day average
  • average from the beginning of my program in January
If I look at the data as projected over the entire course of my weight loss program, October 3 is the date I'll reach my first goal of 24.9 BMI. The 30 day average projects July 19, 14 day projects July 4 and 7 day projects June 25. Why so different? Because I've been doing much better of late and if I stick to this pace, I'll reach that first goal quickly.

I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies and trying to stay away from steak and the other stuff I'm know to enjoy. My weekends allow me to enjoy a good meal but the week sees me being very watchful over what I consume.

Once I reach the normal BMI range I'll reset my goal and shoot for a middle of the normal range number around 22.

Do you know your BMI? There is a BMI calculator at the bottom of this page. Compare your number against the chart to find out if you're underweight, normal, overweight or obese.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Running is Like a Martini

I meant to post this last week but I've been very busy. I can barely find the time to write this today.

Last Saturday I finished my 1st week of training as I look forward to the Disneyland Half Marathon on September 6. Each week's training increases my distance by 0.5 to 1 mile. So on Sunday I ran a nice 4 miles.

What? I've never run 4 miles at one time! The funny thing is, as I was beginning the last mile, I felt great. I mean, REALLY good. I'm pretty sure I set record time for me during that last mile. Unfortunately, my iPod and my Nike+ device we not cooperating and I was unable to electronically log that run on the Nike+ website. So I have no idea of what my time was. Grrrrr

As I was running that last mile and feeling good, I thought back to the LA5K on Memorial Day and remembered how good I felt during the last 1/2 mile or so. And that got me to thinking...

I remembered an old joke I had heard many years ago when I had my first martini. I drink my martinis like Frank Sinatra drank his, with gin, vermouth and olives. That's all. No sweetener. No foo foo. I've you've ever had a gin martini, you know the jolt you experienced when you took your first sip of your first martini.

But what is special about a gin martini is the last drop/sip/gulp. That last slug from the bottom of the glass is always the best. So what do you do? You order another!

So, as I experience that great feeling during my runs in the last mile or so, I want to run again. Just like the martini, I want another!

I've reached the point where I can now consider myself a "runner." I never thought I'd say that in a million years. But here I am, still going strong.

Now, I just gotta cut down on the steaks, stogies and stiff drinks and I'll be on my way to a great 13.1 mile run through Disneyland Park on Labor Day weekend. (Notice that I wrote "cut down" rather than "give up")

Significant events so far:
  • I've now run four 5Ks and I have the t-shirts to prove it! (Plus, two medals!)
  • I signed up for the Orange County Fair 5Ks. Yes. Two 5Ks. One on opening day of the fair and another on closing day.
  • I purchased new custom fit running shoes that are not broken in yet. I have 30 days to decide. Maybe I should have purchased the Nikes over the Sauconys. Hmmmmm
  • I'd like to pick up a used GPS wrist watch. I wonder were I could get one for a great price?
Back to work now....