I use the Nike+ to track my distances and notice that the device tells me I burn more calories for my weight than the LiveStrong.com website does. I need to do some additional analysis to see if I'm telling the LiveStrong.com website the right information. The Nike+ calculates automatically based up the calibration I did on the device. It knows how far I've run or walked and I simply need to enter my weight every day. Yesterday the Nike+ told me I burned 600 calories while LiveStrong.com determined it was 553. On LiveStrong.com I have to tell it how many mph I'm running or walking. Since I have my Nike+ set to kms, my conversion may be inaccurate. Next run I'll switch to miles and break my run/walk sections into different sessions so I can get an accurate read.
I've decided the Iron Creek Triathlon is too far off and I need to set some small goals along the way. Since my current training has me covering 5 - 6K each session, I figured I should try a 5K race. I signed up for a 5K in Pasadena. It's next Sunday so I have 3 more days of training runs before that happens. Since I run 5K on Sundays anyway, why not get a t-shirt to do it. Now I'm trying to decide what's the next goal to set, another 5K or should I go for a 10K. I've been looking for another run in late April. I'll let next Sunday's results decide on the 5 or 10K distance.
Interesting. My treadmill says I burn more calories than what the Nike+ says. And it's a significant difference too. I like to think the treadmill is more accurate. ;-)