A good run and a successful upload of data to the RoadRunnerGPS website. Rather than listening to Slacker radio during this run, I played media directly from the BlackBerry. I like the BlackBerry Desktop sync function that interfaces with my iTunes playlist. Who needs an iPhone!
Increased my distance by 33% today and 100% since I started running again. I need to find a scale so I can track my BMI.
Note to self: Either start earlier or wear light colored clothing. This is SoCal after all, it never cools down. Rain? What's that!
Discovered that I couldn't tweet and run at the same time but I could perfect a fast-walk tweet technique. I would hate to think of the danger if I was tweeting while on my bike. #FAIL
One more day of running tomorrow before my T-W-Th schedule dominates my life. Looking forward to Christmas break beginning on December 19. Or is it "Winter Break"? I'm not going to go there.
T-minus 5 days and counting to Christmas season. Where is that USB HDD with all my Christmas CDs. I may have to upgrade to a TB this year!
Off to Home Depot...
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